Coding Base64 without using libraries (in Python!)

3 min readJun 9, 2021


Base64 is one of the major encoding schemes of data. It converts documents with 8bit data such as emails to ASCII code. It is also used to embed images into websites. For example, Python has a base64 module to support these encodings and decoding, which can be easily used as below.

>>>import base64
>>>string = "string to be encoded"
>>>encoded = base64.b64encode(b'string')
>>decoded = base64.b64decode(encoded)

Here, we will look into Base64 without using these libraries to fully understand what is going on.

How does it work?

Let’s look at the encoding scheme first. As an example, we will encode the string “Hello”.

First, we convert each character to a hex code, then convert it into binary. Next, we break it up into a group of 6 bits. If the last group is shorter than 6 bits, add 0. For each group, convert it to a corresponding character using a Base64 table. This table can be found on the internet. We then group it into 4 characters. If the last group is less than 4 characters, add =.

H | e | l | l | o

0x48 | 0x65 | 0x6c | 0x6c |0x6f

01001000 | 01100101 | 01101100 | 01101100 | 01101111

010010 | 000110 | 010101 | 101100 | 011011 | 000110 | 111100

S | G | V | s | b | G | 8

SGVs | bG8=

So now we have “SGVsbG8=”.

Next, we will look at the decoding scheme.

When decoding a string, we need to be careful not to decode the = sign altogether. The = appears at the end of the string, and at the most 2 times. After that, we just need to trace back the encoding scheme.

Decoding code in Python

def decode_base64(ct):

#remove = if there is one
ct = ct.replace('=', '')

#from the base64 table, convert it to binary
base64_dict = {"110000": "w", "110001": "x", "110101": "1", "110100": "0", "010100": "U", "010101": "V", "001100": "M", "001101": "N", "011110": "e", "011111": "f", "001001": "J", "001000": "I", "011011": "b", "011010": "a", "000110": "G", "000111": "H", "000011": "D", "000010": "C", "100100": "k", "100101": "l", "111100": "8", "111101": "9", "100010": "i", "100011": "j", "101110": "u", "101111": "v", "111001": "5", "111000": "4", "101011": "r", "101010": "q", "110011": "z", "110010": "y", "010010": "S", "010011": "T", "010111": "X", "010110": "W", "110110": "2", "110111": "3", "011000": "Y", "011001": "Z", "001111": "P", "001110": "O", "011101": "d", "011100": "c", "001010": "K", "001011": "L", "101101": "t", "000000": "A", "000001": "B", "100111": "n", "100110": "m", "000101": "F", "000100": "E", "111111": "/", "111110": "+", "100001": "h", "100000": "g", "010001": "R", "010000": "Q", "101100": "s", "111010": "6", "111011": "7", "101000": "o", "101001": "p"}
ct_bi = ""
for i in ct:
keys = [k for k, v in base64_dict.items() if v == i]
keys_str = "".join(keys)
ct_bi += keys_str

#brake it into 8 bits, remove the 0 left
ct_bi = [ct_bi[i:i+8] for i in range(0, len(ct_bi), 8)]
if len(ct_bi[-1]) != 8:

#convert to binary
ct_binary = []
for i in ct_bi:

#convert to hex
ct_hex = []
for i in ct_binary:
ct_hex.append(hex(int(i, 2)))

#convert to char
ct_decode = ""
for i in ct_hex:
ct_decode += chr(int(i, 16))

return ct_decode

It is possible to decode a properly encoded string with the above code. However, to use this in practice, you must deal with unexpected characters that might appear in the original string.

One problem with this encoding scheme is that it increases the amount of data significantly. So sending large files via email is not very efficient.

Sometimes, it is a good idea to code without using libraries to deepen your understanding!




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